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Build and use Hierarchies like GL or Cost Center for Profitability (COPA) or other reporting in S/4 HANA Fiori Apps

Build and use Hierarchies like GL or Cost Center for Profitability (COPA) or other reporting in S/4 HANA Fiori Apps

  • Posted by: Adrian
  • Category: Cost Center Hierarchy, Hierarchies replications, Profit Center Hierarchy, Profitability report
Now a days in S/4 HANA we have a series of Fiori Apps available for reporting that are replacing the good old fashion S_ALR_xxx reports that we used to use to report on Cost Center, Internal Order, Profit Center and others on actuals/plan. The old reports are still working fine, but they are good for GUI, not for Fiori. (Unless you call the Tcode through Fiori GUI tile)
So now you have Fiori App reports like “Cost Center – Plan/Actual YTD” or COPA “Market Segments” (replacing old fashion KE30) among others that in order for you to use the Cost Center Hierarchy or Profit Center Hierarchy on them, you first need to run a couple of programs to make them available in those Fiori Apps.
These Hierarchies are stored in the back-end as SETs like any other SETs that we used to use in Finance for all sort of needs. In order to be able to have them available for these Fiori Apps, you need to convert them into BW Hierarchies as the Fiori Apps are based on BW Queries and those don’t know anything about SETs, they run with Hierarchies.

This is a 2-step process that you need to run every time you do a modification in any of those Hierarchies, so then the changes become available in the Fiori Apps.

Step #1
Tcode: HRY_REPRELEV – Set Report Relevancy for Hierarchies

As you can see in the screen capture, you can use the following Hierarchies 
  • Cost Center Group
  • Cost Element Group
  • Order (Ex Internal Order) Group
  • Profit Center Group
  • Account Group
  • WBS Element Group
  • Functional Area Group 

Once you select the Hierarchy (Set Class) that you want to use, you execute and you get the list of the available ones. In this case “Organizational Unit” is my SAP Best Practices Controlling Area “A000” and all the Groups that come with it. Depending on the Set Class you select, it could mean something different.
Then you activate the “Report Relevant” flag of the lines/lines that you want and SAVE.

Step #2

Tcode: HRRP_REP – FIN Runtime Hierarchy Replicator
This step is required to be able to replicate those previous elements as hierarchies so then the Fiori Apps will be able to use them. Without entering into to many technical details, the Fiori Apps use / show/ consume this as a kind of BW Hierarchies, and this process is required to expose them as such.

You will go, select your Hierarchy ID that you want to replicate, enter a valid from date, and select the “Run settings” for background or foreground. It does not take long to execute, so foreground should not be an issue.

This means that every time you do a change in any of the Hierarchies (GL, Cost Center, Profit Center, Internal Ordes, WBS, etc.) you need to run these 2-Step process so you will have the latest changes available for the Fiori Apps. Without this execution, you will not see the new changes.
This process can also be scheduled to run periodically, but this should only be in a context were you have constant changes.

An small example of an App that would use these hierarchies, “Cost Centers Plan/Actual YTD”

Click in “Cost Center Hierarchy”, click “Go”

And you will get the list of Hierarchies that were replicated. (For confidentiality reasons, I am masking the names)

If your Company and/or Project needs to implement this or any of the functionalities described in my Blog, do not hesitate to reach out to me and I will be happy to provide you my services.

Author: Adrian

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